free hit counter En Route: 06/06/2004 - 06/13/2004

Monday, June 07, 2004


Originally posted: 10/28/04

Well, its time again for me to update my blog, so that
people out there know what's going on in my life. I've
been spending a lot of time thinking over the past
week or so, and it seems that bashing your head over a
rock does nothing but make you dizzy and confused.

Anyhow here goes. Last week after dee's bday, we had
an interesting discussion that left some tension
between the two of us. And not only that but there
were two great friends of dee's that I love to death,
Marita and Leo. Now normally, if I meet new people, I
don't think much of it, I will talk, and chat once in
a while, just as an acquaintance. But Marita and Leo
are two incredible people who I wouldn't mind keeping
for a long long time.

I only wish that I could salvage the good friendship
that I had before with Dee, but I feel an ever
expanding detachment and coldness when we talk. And
the stresses that are straining our relationship, are
also straining two other relationships that would have
otherwise gone well.

anyhow, I hope things get better soon with us, but I
would gladly take any advise. Does anyone have any
ideas about how to warm a cold heart? (I've already
tried books, flowers, and large celebrations)

on to other matters: I recently recovered from the
stomach ulcers (or that's what the doctor called it).
And according to him, its from too much stress, and
also related to psoriasis. But anyhow, I'm 100% now,
and I want to make up on all the delicious food that I
was deprived of before.

as for what I'm going to do, at the moment only time
can tell, if there are any new exciting adventures,
ill be sure to post them, or if there are any
developments ill be sure to post those too.