free hit counter En Route: Observations from far away!

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Observations from far away!

REPOST: i was made aware(due to my friend) that my blog wasnt allowing people to post, and i noticed alot of dead traffic to the comments page, so im resubmitting this, and maybe i can answer some peoples questions

There are bound to be quite a few long, pointless, and perhaps funny entries in my blog soon to come. Being that at the moment I don’t have a single thing which is of any interest to write about. But perhaps in the flurry of words that streams out of my head and into the electronic vastness of space, someone might find something of use. But the more likely situation is that im going to impale myself with my own sword, and require many stitches, as well as a mop.

That being said, should I meet my untimely demise, I have only a few wishes before I go. The first being that I wish to have my middle finger preserved as well as it can be, and to have it mounted on a plaque then gift wrapped. Then I would like for it to be presented to the world leaders at as large of a UN council meeting as can be found, as a gift, one final testament of my good will towards thier kind.

Anyhow, I am taking this great opportunity that free time has given me to write about my particular observations while I’ve been abroad, if anyone has any requests, they can send them by e-mail or by comment on this blog and I should very quickly write a blog entry about what my observations have been so far. It could in fact be about anything; the weather, sex, politics, or the strange Asian shortage of fingernail clippers (if anyone finds any in Kuching, please provide a location where I could buy a pair for myself.) I encourage everyone, and anyone to give me a subject to write about, and my blog is an equal opportunity informer. So regardless of how well I know you, your questions will be all treated equally.

Now we return you to your regularly scheduled commercials.


At 4:30 PM, Blogger Liam said...

How about, just general differences. Like customs, foods, etc. I don't know very much about malaysia so something just general would be a nice start.
Hope you're having fun.


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