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Saturday, October 16, 2004


First of all I realize that I hadn’t updated my Blog recently, and I have been procrastinating. And I'm sorry, but ill try to write about all of the many things that I have done within the past 2 weeks. But I have to probably put some subsections in.

But well, on the first I arrived in Kuching (meaning cat in Malay) and I was met in the airport by Diana, she is a girl that has been to more countries that I care to count. anyhow, story goes, that she picked me up in the wee hours of the morning, and she got me a room at the B&B inn being that her family are somewhat important people in Kuching, she was able to get me a room that was normally RM 30 per night for RM 24 per night and with air-con. I admit that I couldn’t probably do better myself.

Anyhow when I first arrived she fell terribly sick, and didn’t see me for a few days, she had food poisoning, and so I made my way in Kuching by myself for the most part. The first day I made my way through Kuching and I met an English fellow at one of the cyber cafe's that were nearby. He told me his story about how his GF broke up with him, and how he was trying to contact her. And through that we got to chatting, and then to drinking. We went to one of the bars near the Hilton. Were we had a few beers and talking about our poor luck with women. Turns out that we were quite similar, although not by profession, but by attitude.

After we had about 2 beers, came an Irish man, who decided that he would just sit down and order a round of beers for us. Now, as strange as it might have been that he sat came so unexpectedly, the company was appreated, and the beers were as well. He and the British fellow that I was with went at it like a couple of army mates, both making shots at the other. And although the Irish gentleman "has the gift of the gab”, "kissed the blarney stone", etc he was funny to talk to. Anyhow we talked and drank until the late hours of the evening.

Another day I had actually met a friend from my hostel Yochiko and because of the fact that Diana was with her family on that Sunday afternoon; I spent the good portion of the day with Yochiko just talking about Japan, and eating. I now remember how refreshing it is to talk to like minded people, and not to be so surrounded by ignorance all of the time. Anyhow, we went on a river cruise that cost us RM 25 per hour, going up and down the Kuching River. We got many pictures that would be hard to get from any other spot, and there was the added bonus that being in the river was quite cool. After the nice river cruise me and her saw some movie that resembled a 1920's comic book although I cannot remember the title at the moment. The movie was also good, but not one that I would choose to see again.

Anyhow that evening Diana got out of church, and I got to meet all of her friends for the first time. I was introduced to Wan, Jenny, Leonard, Angela, and of course Cynthia. They are some of the nicest people that I have yet meet in Malaysia; I got to know Cynthia and Leonard the most. Leonard is as Diana calls "a big puppy dog". And Cynthia who is also an ox and a Gemini like me are also incredibly..... Like myself. But we get along well, despite some cultural and communication problems.

Recently I've been also attending the Fit for Life gym in Kuching, and every day lately I’ve been attending, kickboxing and X-circuit being my favorite. And with the help of Leonard especially I’ve been able to do a lot of things that I didn’t know I could do. And fix a lot of things I didn’t know that I needed to fix. so at the moment its been pointed out to me that my upper back is weak, and my lower back (which is too strong, and my abs, are making my upper back hunch too far forward.

Anyways I'm going to post another about the Sarawak culture village, and if you want to see those pictures click here for all of the other photos click here